9 Things Never to Say to Someone Who’s Lost a Pet…

Your friend’s pet just passed away, and she’s devastated. While you know it’s  a sad time, you may not be able to grasp the emotional turmoil she’s  experiencing if you’ve never owned a pet. “Pet parents are made to feel guilty  when their grief is more extreme than it would be for a human Continue reading

Funeral for your pet?

NEW YORK(CBSNewYork) — The loss of a pet can be a devastating experience, and a rising number of people are treating that loss the same way that they would treat the death of any other family member. David Le told CBS 2′s Kristine Johnson that his dog was treated like a member of his Continue reading

Questions For Barbara J. King, Author Of ‘How Animals Grieve’

Attributing human characteristics to animals makes for great cartoons, but it's not usually considered rigorous science. Now, a new book argues that animals do think and feel in ways similar to humans. Barbara J. King is a professor of anthropology and a commentator on NPR's science blog, Continue reading

Local Pet Owners Seek Closure With Funerals For Deceased Animals…

NEW YORK(CBSNewYork) — The loss of a pet can be a devastating experience, and a rising number of people are treating that loss the same way that they would treat the death of any other family member. David Le told CBS 2′s Kristine Johnson that his dog was treated like a member of his Continue reading

7 Things That Help Me Cope with Grief After Losing a Cat

It's never easy letting go. These are things I've learned by paying attention to the grief process. Grieving the loss of a cat is excruciating. In fact, I'm going through it as I write this. I think the grief process is one of the hardest, most intense experiences we have to get Continue reading

Understanding the Grieving Process…

Losing a pet Many consider grieving inappropriate for someone who has lost "just a pet." Nothing could be further from the truth. People love their pets and consider them members of their family. Caregivers celebrate their pets' birthdays, confide in their animals, and carry pictures of Continue reading

Comforting a child after a pet’s death…

After a beloved pet dies, grieve with your family through a mix of tears and funny tales. Even pirates cry. So says the Mem Fox book “Tough Boris” (Sandpiper, 1998), the story of a pirate whose parrot died, and “he cried and cried.” “Grief is not a bad thing,” says M. Patricia Hogan, a Continue reading