Funeral for your pet?

NEW YORK(CBSNewYork) — The loss of a pet can be a devastating experience, and a rising number of people are treating that loss the same way that they would treat the death of any other family member. David Le told CBS 2′s Kristine Johnson that his dog was treated like a member of his Continue reading

Questions For Barbara J. King, Author Of ‘How Animals Grieve’

Attributing human characteristics to animals makes for great cartoons, but it's not usually considered rigorous science. Now, a new book argues that animals do think and feel in ways similar to humans. Barbara J. King is a professor of anthropology and a commentator on NPR's science blog, Continue reading

3 Common Kitten Behavior Problems and How to Curb Them

Like human babies, feline babies aren't born innately knowing how to be good. In fact, they're born innately knowing how to get into mischief. Your job is to curtail that misbehavior and, when it gets out of hand, redirect it into acceptable behavior. Of course, some kittens are wilder or Continue reading

7 Things That Help Me Cope with Grief After Losing a Cat

It's never easy letting go. These are things I've learned by paying attention to the grief process. Grieving the loss of a cat is excruciating. In fact, I'm going through it as I write this. I think the grief process is one of the hardest, most intense experiences we have to get Continue reading

Pet Poisons From A to Z…

It can happen to even the best pet owners. You turn around for one second and the dog is into the chocolate that was sitting on the counter, or the cat has discovered the Easter lily you thought was safely out of the way. "We just don't realize how determined our pets are to eat the Continue reading


Pick up cat and cradle it in the crook of your left arm as if holding a baby. Position right forefinger and thumb on either side of cat’s mouth and apply gentle pressure to cheeks while holding pill in right hand. As the cat opens its mouth, pop the pill into the mouth. Allow cat to close Continue reading

Understanding the Grieving Process…

Losing a pet Many consider grieving inappropriate for someone who has lost "just a pet." Nothing could be further from the truth. People love their pets and consider them members of their family. Caregivers celebrate their pets' birthdays, confide in their animals, and carry pictures of Continue reading